Tuesday, June 30, 2009

For better and for worse...

Even though we have 18 months until the wedding and our marriage officially starts, Joel and I got in our first major marriage based argument. Lets just say it involved a bachelor party, several strip clubs and a huge chunk of change. But after explaining my reasoning to Joel and making him realize that from now on all decisions have to be made with our marriage as the top priority, we reached an agreement. He gets to attend the bachelor party, NO strips clubs and a decent amount of spending money. I'd say we handle this first big blow pretty well. It really give me hope that we will be able to conquer anything life throws at us. Here are some pictures of Joel and I over the past 2 years.

This is the first time Joel and I hung out outside of class.
His fraternity won scandals that night

This is the day Joel asked me to be his girlfriend :)
We were at the arts festival in OKC

This is Joel's 21st birthday.
We were dancing to our song

I have no clue where this is but it is a cute picture

This is Joel and I celebrating our first Christmas

This picture was taken in Chicago when we went to visit his mom.
It was our first big trip together...15 hours in the car

This is me waking into the restaurant when he proposed
I was so awkward

This is Joel proposing :)

This is our most recent picture taken at a family reunion in Enid

1 comment:

  1. Marital spats come with the territory!! There will be many more where this comes from! I'm very happy for you and can't wait til the wedding!!

    P.S. Let me know if I can do anything to help you!
