Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Is it bad to still sleep with your baby blanket when you are 21?

Until recently I did not realize my need for comfort items. My biggest most important item is by far my blanket. I have had it since I was born and absolutely refuse to part with it. I even had to warn Joel that if I ever had to choose between him and my blanket...He would be out of luck. I remember when I was little and I would go to school when it was stormy outside, I would test my mom. I would ask her what the one thing she was supposed to grab if there were ever a tornado and I was not there. My blanket of course! I even had a designated spot for my blanket when I was gone so she would know exactly where to grab it.

Lately I have found myself being very clingy to my mom. For some reason I feel like if I surround myself with her I will feel better. I have a huge portrait of my family hanging in my bedroom (joel thinks it is creepy), I have a picture of my mom next to my bed, in my planner and LARGELY posted as my screen saver on my computer. Why that makes me feel better..I have no idea. I think part of me just wants to feel close to her. Sometimes I find myself wishing it was the week she died just so I could be surrounded by her things and people talking about her. I think I am scared that the further I get from the last day I saw her, the more I am going to forget her.

One thing that is really important to me is a necklace she made for me. When my sisters I were cleaning out her apartment we came across these 3 handmade necklaces. We had no idea what they were but then my aunt told us that my mom had mentioned that she was making necklaces for us. I am so glad we found them because it is a piece of her that I can have with me all the time.

As I plan the wedding I find myself trying to find as many ways as possible to include my mom. I have come up with several ways to do this. Silent night was my moms favorite Christmas song. Since I am getting married at Christmas I decided to include the song in our ceremony. Another thing I am including are these beautiful white ornaments that my dad gave to my mom every year for Christmas. Since there will be a Christmas tree in the sanctuary I am going to hang them on the tree. And last, I inherited my mom's 25 years worth of Southern Living cookbooks. There are several Christmas editions and as I was going through them I found several sticky notes marking her favorite ideas that I hope to incorporate in the wedding. I am hoping that with all these little details I will really be able to feel like she is there with me.


  1. oh my gosh you still have that blanket????? You will be such a pretty bride in our church!!!!

  2. Joel is right... the portrait is slightly creepy if it is the one that use to be in the den. However, since it makes you feel better then it should be there FOREVER! I am glad that your finding ways to make her feel like she is with you. You now have the best guardian angel around =). Also this is something that we are doing for our wedding that I wouldn't have any problem with you stealing! But in memory of my grandpa and Jake grandma we are having two white empty chairs that will sit at the front of the ceremony with a boquet sitting on top of them. I also like the idea of having a locket rapped around my boquet with their pictures inside. Just an idea, I cannot wait for your wedding and I LOVE LOVE LOVE the bridesmaid dresses! I also love that you are blogging =) I need to start lol

  3. I think your mom is watching over you everyday and in some ways will always be in your conscience when you are planning your wedding.

    P.S. I will definitely sing if you want me to!!! :)
