Monday, September 7, 2009


Not much is going on in the wedding planning arena. I have made arrangements for all of the major things and I have about a month or two before I need to get more arrangements made. I always thought that I would go dress shopping the second I got engaged but instead, I am very very nervous about dress shopping. I am scared that I will not find anything I like or that nothing will look good on me and if I do find the perfect gown, everyone helping me will tell me it's not the one. I know that I need to find a dress that I want but what fun is it to get married in a dress that no one likes?

It has been almost 3 months since my mom died and it is slowly, very very slowly getting easier...actually its not but I figure that it might seem to get easier if I just say that it is. I still talk about her all the time. I think it makes people think I'm a little crazy but I can't help it. My sisters and I went through her her jewelry box and it was very...therapeutic. There are a lot of very memorable pieces in her jewelry box. Some big pieces, little pieces, expensive pieces and some pieces that aren't worth a buck but no matter the details they hold a little piece of our childhood where everything was "normal" or BMGS (Before Mom Got Sick). We ultimately decided that besides a few particular items we would leave mom's jewelry box the way we found and when we want to have a little piece of her with us, borrow what we wanted.
There are a few items that hold a very special place in our memories that we decided to split up. Amy has a beautiful necklace that has my nannie's (mom's mom) wedding ring stones it it. Dad had it made into a gorgeous three stone pendant necklace. I just love the jewelry I receive from my mom's side of the family. It probably is not the most expensive stuff but it sure came from the heart. My papa was a wonderful man and he loved y nanny so much. Before nanny died she gave me her mother's ring that my papa had made for her. I wear it all the time and it is one of my most special pieces of jewelry.
Tracy got a piece that just screams Patti. It was one of her most prized possessions besides her wedding rings. Several years ago my dad got my mom a beautiful cross necklace that she never took off. I remember being little with my head in her lap and I would just stare at it. I am really happy that Tracy gets it. Her and my mom were extremely close.
I get to have a aquamarine cocktail ring that I can remember playing with when I was little. I am not sure how much my mom even wore this ring but for some reason when I picture her in my mind she is always wearing it. I also have her wedding band. When we went to the funeral home they gave us her rings and I put it on and haven't taken it off since. It is just a simple gold band but to me it represents over thirty years of marriage.

This is the aquamarine cocktail ring

This is my mom's wedding band

This is my nannie's mother ring with my mom, Uncle Bill and Uncle Steve's Birthstones.

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